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Healthy Choices, Healthy Kids

Kids who have formed healthy habits, strong relationships, and positive coping skills are much less likely to experience negative outcomes like underage drug or alcohol use later on. These habits and skills are called protective factors.

Hiking Boots
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Take a Hike

Friends of Webster Trails invites you to hike at Whiting Rd Nature Preserve. Here are two suggested hikes:

A. 2 Mile (Rolling Hills): Start on the Blue Trail, when you come to the Orange Trail, take that left onto Orange. Along the trail you can stop and see two information boards that will tell you about the birds and flowers on the Orange Trail. Follow the Orange Trail until you come back to Blue Trail and follow the Blue Trail back to the parking lot (P).

B. 1.5 Mile (Flat Trail): Start out on the Blue Trail. When you get to the junction with Yellow Trail, take the trail to the right. Follow Yellow Trail to the Blue Trail and out to the Parking lot (P).

Come back and explore and enjoy all Trails the Whiting Road Preserve has to offer! See larger maps of our trails on our website,

Visit the Library

Webster Public Library has curated titles for kids on topics that reinforce and explore protective factors. Did you know that these pursuits are all protective?

  • Finding and pursuing your passions

  • Positive relationships/being a good friend

  • Expressing yourself creatively

  • Eating healthfully and getting enough sleep

  • Growing community connections

  • Respecting yourself and others

  • Being kind and helpful

  • Practicing gratitude


Find even more at the Healthy Choices, Healthy Kids display in the library through August 19.

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Image by Philip Arambula

Chalk it up

We  have provided free sidewalk chalk that families can pick up at the library (Look for the "Healthy Choices, Healthy Kids" book display, while supplies last) so you can all try your hand at some good old-fashioned fun! Click here to find the rules to Hopscotch, 4- Square, and 6 more classic games. Or just share some kind words with your neighbors to build community. Most importantly, have fun together.

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