Red Ribbon Week Library
Here you'll find graphics and memes for social media as well as printable puzzles and coloring pages, all designed to support Red Ribbon Week activities. All materials are free for use in these activities, but may not be altered or sold. Please direct any questions to: media@whendfcc.org.

Healthy Habits Word Scramble (Elementary age group).

Answer Key for the Healthy Habits Word Scramble (Elementary age group).

Answer key for the middle and high school wellness word find puzzle.

Healthy Habits Word Scramble (Elementary age group).
Printable Puzzles and Worksheets
Use arrows to preview worksheets for all age groups in this gallery. Click images to view larger and download PDF documents for print. These items may not be altered without written consent, and may never be sold.
Printable Crafts and Coloring Pages
Preview crafts and coloring pages for all age groups in this gallery. Click on any image to view and print the PDF document. These items may not be altered without written consent, and may never be sold.

Create a display of ribbons revealing what kids are thankful for. Designed for Elementary through Middle School ages.

Create a display of ribbons revealing what kids are thankful for. Designed for Elementary through Middle School ages.

Create a display of speech bubbles containing kids' reasons to say drug free. Designed for Middle School ages.

Create a display of ribbons revealing what kids are thankful for. Designed for Elementary through Middle School ages.

Try some deep breathing exercises to promote relaxation and calm.

Get busy doing the things you love!

Exercise can help reduce stress and improve your mood.

Try some deep breathing exercises to promote relaxation and calm.
Memes for Social Media
Preview Red Ribbon Week memes that you can share on social media. Click an image to view recommended post content and download the graphic in order to post it from you media account. Please include #RedRibbonWeek and @WHENdfcc in your social posts. These items may not be altered without written consent, and may never be sold.
Graphics to Promote RRW
You are permitted to use these graphics only in association with activities included on our Red Ribbon Week kit, or to link back to our site with this url:
Click images to download. These items may not be altered without written consent, and may never be sold.

Use this as a zoom/google meet background, or as a backdrop for RRW morning announcements.

Use this as a zoom/google meet background, or as a backdrop for RRW morning announcements.